Etsy Shop

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chicago here we come

I have to admit I like this picture of me.....I am so happy to have a job I feel right at home and comfortable.
One of the great things of this week was not only seeing the product but meeting our staff.  This is Karen Kucowski.  Karen is the store manager of the Princeton store.  We had a great time training together and we even squeezed in seeing the play "Grey Gardens".
This is Karen and Nicole Young.  Nicole is the store manager for the Cambridge store in Boston.  Her store has a great team.  The store was always busy, but seemed to be calm all at the same time.  Nicole was our trainer.  She did a great job covering a lot of information.  We now are on to Chicago where we get to meet more people and get a tour of the company headquarters and the warehouse---can't wait!!!!


Chris said...

Sounds fun! I would love to see the "Grey Gardens" play.

Linda said...

Oh, you are heading to my FAVORITE city ~ I AM forever a CHICAGO GIRL.

Hope you have a wonderful week. Loved the photos as always,


dragonflydreamer said...

You look really happy and that's a beautiful thing. I have loved Paper Source for years and now after hearing how thorough they are in training, I love them even more. I have an article I tore out of Mary Englebriet's magazine that featured the owner of Paper Source and I'm going to go find it now. I would love to see "Grey Gardens" too. I love the documentary and am looking forward to the movie. How nice that you and Karen were able to do that together. I am really looking forward to hearing about your trip to the warehouse. I would say, "Have Fun", but from the beautiful smile on your face I can see that you are having a grand time.

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

Have fun Ms. Ladybug...your picture is glowing with pure delight...I loved Chicago - you never know you might bump into Oprah...LOL...Enjoy my friend...see ya when you get back to Jersey..go geralyn - go geralyn..have a honey of a night! Grace & Peace 2 "U" Marlene aka QBeeC

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

SO happy for you Geralyn, I hope you never come off of your cloud.
Your big smile says it all!!!!
everything vintage