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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gotta love a giveaway

I have to admit I haven't scrapbooked in a while.  I always say it will be my therapy.  I hope it is.  I am now starting to think it might make me sadder when the twins leave for college.  I love having all the pictures in my computer since I started with my Mac in October---I am up over 2,000 pictures and it doesn't seem as overwhelming as my boxes of old photos I need to file or scrap.  Well any way at least I am thinking about it.  I think I may need a little pick me up---some new supplies maybe or win some in a giveaway.  So, I thought I would give it a shot.  I entered this contest:  Click on this for your chance, too

1 comment:

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

Thanks Miss Lady Bug for the give away info...I too am having my first give away...please do stop by and I didn't forget I will becoming to Paper Source soon...have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! grace peace & joy 2 U, Marlene